Psychiatric Service Dog Society
All service dogs,without exception,are held to a very high standard of behaviour that must be met. This gives the basics that is expected of SDs who work in public places.
A record of the problems involved in convincing our local public school to permit our son to attend,accompanied by his service dog. Also included are links to sites on this subject,and information we found along the way,that might be helpful to parents encountering this situation.
A BlogsforTerri
Traditional Catholic, married for 18 years. Interested in almost everything I come across,but I work with dogs most. i train my own service dogs,and own a Yahoo group for those disabled who also do the training of their own service dogs: DePorres Service Dogs http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DePorresServiceDogs I also firmly support pro life interests, especially the anti-euthanasia movement.
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