Links to sites with information on service dogs for the autistic....
DePorres Service Dog Trainers Guild (this is a link to the Yahoo group i own... we have many members who are autistic,and parents who have kids on the spectrum who have trained or are training SDs for them)
A Child's Best Friend Service Animals for Autism
A Service Dog For Anne
Aric's Page-ServiceDogsAutistic.h
Assistance Dog for Asperger's Syndrome
Autism Assistance Dogs
Autism Dogs
Autism into Adulthood
Autism Service Dogs of America
Autism Society of America - Central Ohio Newsletter
Autistic child can get out more thanks to his 'social therapy' dog MetroWest Daily News - Local News Coverage
Autistic girl matched with guide dog
Canine Companions
Child finishes successful school year with help of Yogi
Children with autism benefit from canine friend -- March 5,
Communication of Emotion and the Possibility of Empathy in Animalshttp--www.medicine.uiowa.edu-prestonresearch-EmpathyChapter.pdf
Delta Society Relationships Between Young People with Autism and Their Pets
Dogs help the autistic come out of their shell CNN - Tomorrow-Today - Oct. 30, 1997
Jim Sinclair's Web Site-AUTISM SDs!!
LOVE UNLEASHED 4-legged therapist helps teen learn to socialize, verbalize
North Star Dogs - We help children find their way. Dogs and
Our Hope Is In the Children Autism PDD service dogs ADA Incl
Pet Ferret Helps Autistic Child Autism PDD Service Animals
Pets and the Spectrum
Service Animals and Children with Autism
Service Animals and the Law
Service Dogs and Autism
Service Dogs for Children with Autism
SSigDOG tasks
Welcome to National Service Dogs
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